- Q: Who are the Hui Ho‘olohe?
A: The Hui Ho‘olohe is an autonomous advisory group of nine (9) Hawaiʻi Island community members who volunteered to:a) oversee the collection of broad community perspectives on current relationships to, and future uses of, Maunakea,
b) document feedback received, and
c) prepare a written summary articulating the common themes, values, beliefs and uses the community supports along with the conditions under which those uses could coexist.
The Report has been shared with officials and agencies that have kūleana for Maunakea to inform future agreements and policies.
_All Hui Hoʻolohe members share the belief solutions can be created through open, constructive conversations which reflect a variety of interests in and relationships to Maunakea.
_As volunteers from the community and at their request to focus attention on EnVision Maunakea’s community process, members of the Hui Ho‘olohe asked that their personal information (beyond their names) not be published.
_General information on the Hui Ho‘olohe, including their selection process, roles, and responsibilities, can be found on this page.
_ - Q: What was the selection process for participation in ‘Aha Kūkā listening sessions?
A: Participation in an ʻAha Kūkā session was open to anyone residing on Hawaiʻi Island. A number of presentations to organizations and community groups extended an invitation for people to express interest in participating. Some participants submitted their interest form on the EnVision Maunakea website. Others were invited by friends, family and/or colleagues who attended an ʻAha Kūkā session. Still others provided their manaʻo on the website or in written submissions.
_ - Q: How did EnVision Maunakea provide a comprehensive cross-section of community opinion on future uses of the mountain?
A: Because it was not possible to gather input from everyone, the Hui Hoʻolohe and facilitators thoughtfully and intentionally sought input through diversity — age, ethnicity, education, occupation, avocation, gender, geographic location, native born and those who choose to make Hawaiʻi Island their home, practitioners, scientists, and more. EnVision Maunakeaʻs website also provides a form where people could contribute their manaʻo to the process.
_ - Q: How did EnVision Maunakea ensure its process was fair and balanced?
A: Friends of the Future, an independent nonprofit based in Waimea, served as convener for EnVision Maunakea. This allowed implementation of the project to remain focused on the well-being of the mountain and the community. Information gathered through the EnVision Maunakea progress was overseen by the Hui Hoʻolohe, a volunteer group of Hawaiʻi Island residents with diverse backgrounds and a shared belief that a collaborative solution is the best way forward. Community perspectives about the future of Maunakea were collected through a series of ʻAha Kūkā (listening sessions), open to anyone living on Hawaiʻi Island. Respectful conversations were facilitated with an array of individuals whose relationships to, experiences on and hopes for the future of Maunakea reflect the communityʻs diversity.
_ - Q: What is the role of the University of Hawai‘i?
A. EnVision Maunakea was co-founded by a working group comprised of representatives from Canada-France-Hawai‘i Telescope, Friends of the Future, ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center, Office of Maunakea Management, and the University of Hawai‘i. All co-founders came together out of a desire to understand:
_1. the path that brought the community to this moment in Maunakea’s history,
2. how the past informs the future the community strives to create for forthcoming generations, and
3. what does the community envision for Maunakea 100 years from now.
Funding for EnVision Maunakea was derived from grants and charitable contributions from the University of Hawai‘i Institute for Astronomy, Office of Maunakea Management, ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center and Canada-France-Hawai‘i Telescope.
_ - Q: What is the role of the Office of Maunakea Management?
A: Please see Q#5.
_ - Q: What is role of Friends of the Future?
A: Please see Q#5.
_ - Q: When will the final report be published?
A: The report is set to be distributed to ʻAha Kūkā participants, government officials, agency heads and posted to this website no later than April 3, 2018.
_ - Q: Will there be an opportunity for further feedback and comments?
A: The entire EnVision Maunakea process has been, and will continue to be, an open invitation for the community to offer input. With the release of the Report, it is still possible to submit feedback and comments via the website here: /manao/. Those comments will be reviewed by the Hui Hoʻolohe to further inform the outcomes of the process and communications that occur in the future with policy and decision makers.
- Q: Who are the Hui Ho‘olohe?